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Hands-on Workshops

The hands-on workshops will allow students to:
- Understand the basic principles of the technologies.
- Plan clinical interventions and experiments.
- Use the devices and tools in real applications.

Candidate topics:
1. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI)
2. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
3. Virtual Reality in rehabilitation
4. How to design clinical experiments
5. Human body modeling with OpenSim
6. Motion Analysis with Inertial Sensors

Applicants will be asked to choose three of the above candidate topics during the registration phase. The most voted topics will result in actual hands-on workshops.

Most voted (and confirmed) topics of the workshops:
  2. Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES)
  3. Virtual Reality in rehabilitation
  4. How to design clinical experiments
  6. Motion Analysis with Inertial Sensors